Large and absent cabbages

From the Passive Aggressive Notes Web site - now one of my near-daily reads:
Jack and Sarah in Tacoma, Washington both spotted this note taped to the window of a coffee shop outside the Fort Lewis military base. While I particularly enjoy the slow crescendo of this note, I’m not sure the manager of the H and R Block across the street would feel the same.
I don't like thieves either.
Today wasn't really that bad. I didn't have to watch a lesser goldfinch run over in the middle of Royal Lane, I survived a longish shaolin class, and my friend Ian has renegotiated the brick repairs $300 cheaper. And once again, Jack Bauer allowed me to live.
However, I didn't hear from ODD*, who was also absent from chat all afternoon. I hope I didn't piss him off by calling him "mon grande choux" last week. At 6 1/2 feet tall, "mon petit choux" just doesn't work for him somehow.

Reader Comments (2)
"I will shoot you in the F*cking Face."
You gotta love the to-the-pointedness of the note.
BTW, the URL for that site is:
Well worth a visit.