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About 20 minutes ago, a friend sent me a link to a Fast Company article called "Is your boss a sociopath?"

After I read the article, I'm really beginning to believe that P.D.* belongs in this category. She scores remarkably high in the lack of empathy, guilt and remorse categories.

This is also someone who stayed married just long enough to grab all the wedding gifts, split, buy her own house with the proceeds of her divorce settlement, and import her boyfriend from her native NJ. He seems to be a fellow nutcase - for example, one time he picked up PD late from work as he'd been in a fight. He mentioned it as casually as if he'd had a flat tire, or been stuck in traffic. And he even asked one of the designers to bring him some ice for his injured hand.

I really wish I was making this up, but I'm not.

* See Key to Characters at right.

Reader Comments (1)

Not to be picky, but I don't think we say "Sociopath" or "Psychopath" anymore. I think we're supposed to say "They have an antisocial personality disorder."

Having said that, the good thing about dealing with people with antisocial personality disorders is that they don't get bent out of shape about labels. They're way too focused on getting what they want -- and the hell with everybody else -- to let labels hold them back.

Of course, the bad thing is *everything else about them.*

(I've dealt with one or two in my lifetime. And not just people I thought were socio/psycho-paths... but people who had the paperwork to prove it. Oh... I just Googled and Wikipedia points out there's some disagreement over whether or not Sociopath/Psychopath and ASPD are the synonymous.)

March 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaurice

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