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quirky ladies, start your engines

After several days of sulking, my mood has greatly improved, even though I'm still stuck with a boat anchor laptop at work. I managed to put aside my pissed-offness about the loss of the Macbook and concentrate this previously wasted energy on job-hunting.

I tidied up Chez Melina somewhat - I tend to concentrate on the bedroom and bath for semi-obvious reasons - and reminded Rachel to please get all of her junk out of the spare bedroom by the end of the month. I never cease to be amazed by how quickly she accumulates crap; all she has to do is stay in one spot for more than 20 minutes or so. I'm betting she's already trashed her new campground.

I am guessing that the return of sunshine alleviated my occasional SAD*, and the PMS resolved itself as it always does. And the effing brickwork has finally begun. Ian thinks they may even finish today.

Although I'm not going to contradict my friend Barbara, I am not convinced that Ian is interested in me. I don't dislike him. He seems to be what I would describe as a good person, and I think he's helping me as he simply likes helping people. And he's tall, although not as tall as ODD**. But as mentioned numerous times before, I can be dreadfully stupid when initially interacting with the male of the species.  Not that it bothers me - if a man is genuinely interested in me, I feel he will persevere and finally break through my pre-occupied naivete. So I won't have to worry about my own take on the matter until then.

Last but not least, the motorcycle course begins tomorrow. After Friday, I can go down and have the motorcycle amendment added to my license. My only worry is that, after this happens, I won't be able to resist going out and buying a motorcycle on the way home from the DFT, and spending more than I should. Ryan has already said I could borrow his Ducati when in Austin, so I need to behave (well, at least where motorcycles are concerned) until I find a new job.

* Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka "winter blues". I suffered from this considerably when in the UK.
** See Key to Characters at right.

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