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Because I did not succumb to the whims of PD, I received a poisonous email from her obese Sister Dwarf around 6pm today. This is after a couple of 12-hour days.

To sum it up, it didn't matter that I a) did all jobs ahead of schedule, and b) carefully liaised with all my fellow Snoopy slaves to make sure all revisions were done on time. Since I did not send an email to PD containing the status of a job due Wednesday, I am in the shit.

Here is what TD sent:

Ideally, we would all love it if our work day allowed us our preferred conditions. However, it more than often does not. Despite the interruptions and other things that affect each day, we still have to meet our obligations and deadlines. As soon as you had a concern that you weren't going to meet this deadline (eh? Deadline is tomorrow!), you should have called or emailed PD and {innocent party deleted}, which is why PD noted in her previous email that you were going to give an update yesterday. This is a key component of managing copy flow.

Fuck this for a panto, as my beloved ex-boss Ian - a native of Huddersfield - would have said.

It's still pissing me off, which is ultimately goofy, as it means I've handed over control of my emotions to Tubby Dwarf. (Hmmm... PD and TD sound nice. I think I'll add TD to the Cast of Characters.)

I'm going to go put on my gi and kick my punching bag for an hour or two or three. I'm sure my therapist would approve.

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