out, damned lodger!

I spoke too soon, sorta. The dumbass lodger moved some of his stuff out yesterday and today, but he still has shit all over the place - on the side porch, in what should be his vacated bedroom, in the living room. I'm going out of town this weekend and if it's still here when I get back Sunday, I'm hauling it to the dump. Or to the Goodwill. Or I'll eBay the few valuable bits.
Actually he tried to move as scheduled last weekend, but it fell through as the truck he'd rented wasn't available when he went to collect it, even though he'd made a reservation in advance. Why he didn't demand a larger one - hell, they were parked all over the place - is beyond me. He can be an assertive dick when he wants to be one, so why not last weekend? So then he rescheduled for yesterday, but for reasons unknown, he's still got junk everywhere.
At least his alarm clocks are gone. You see, his sleep patterns were/are so permanently messed up that he'd literally Nyquil himself to sleep each afternoon. To ensure he hear his alarm, he'd set two incredibly noisy radio alarms. These usually went off when I was trying to go to sleep.
This weekend I am headed to the Hill country for an odd mixture of a lunch date with a potential beau (yes, the Triumph owner), then an overnight stay at a meditation retreat. I booked the retreat as an antidote to my meeting with PD and her New Joisey cousin tomorrow afternoon, as I haven't a clue how that's going to go.
So I'm looking forward to getting up at 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning with no coffee - seems that novice bodhisattvas aren't allowed caffeine - then moving on to lawn clippings for lunch.
If truth be told, I was hoping to hear from OOD this week, but no luck. Perhaps he's waiting for me to give the "lodger all clear" sign. Or maybe he's waiting for my week off in June; more about that later.

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