Help! I've fallen into a bad Kafka story and can't get out!

Although I had, until recently, thought my job could be salvaged, I don't believe it's an option any more. The most upsetting bit of it all is that I can't understand why the Poison Dwarf thinks the department will be better off without me. It's not like she can go down to Sam's Club and put another copywriter on her credit card. I can only think she has a buddy lined up for the job, which also defies logic since no other writer is going to do any better than I'm doing. Except maybe in the ass-kissing department. But I have my karma to consider.
The surprising, and only truly painful back-stabbing, was administered by the department's junior VP late last week. I had made the mistake of thinking she would do the right thing when told of my impending termination. We were both around during the early days, when the 35-person department only had five of us. But instead she ducked out with a lame apology and "nothing I can do". Huh? Sheesh, she hired PD. The VP bitch is not getting a shower gift out of me, except perhaps a baby-sized t-shirt that says THEY SHAKE ME or similar.
I finally found the time to document and deliver a description of the ongoing mess to a recommended employment attorney, and to apply for a couple of jobs. The situation isn't really that bleak job-wise, so I'm trying to keep my greying head out of the oven. Perhaps it's for the best: lose the house, spend more time with my mother before she checks out. I just wish I could view her impending passing with the same level of matter-of-factness that she's decided to adopt.

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