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wills and cousins and Amazon Prime

After some thought, I eventually decided to rewrite my will to leave my fortune to my two nieces.

We get on well, they send me birthday cards, and they both have children that will need money for various stuff.  Chances are I won't die in time to put them through college but perhaps I can help their parents pay off student debt.

My family members continue to decrease. Saturday I received a call from an aunt, telling me that my cousin in Tennessee had died of an aneurysm. Rusty was only 62; he had sat down for dinner Friday evening, complained of a sudden headache and collapsed seconds later. By the time he reached the hospital he was gone, although he was put on a ventilator for 24 hours so the staff couldn't say they didn't try.

There were some possibly contributing factors - a bad car accident and some bad drug use when he was in his 30s, plus his current moonshine business - but it's still a shock.

Since my Macbook Pro is eight years old and not functioning with the latest operating system, I decided to check out Amazon Prime day to see if there were any deals to be had for a cheaper Macbook Air. But there are so many others also hunting for deals that the site's not working properly. 

At least my cat the Honey Badger came home after a 10-day disappearance. So the news isn't all bad.

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