last will and distribution of meager assets

I went into my company's intranet to remove my mother from my life insurance beneficiary list. When I was there I realized I didn't know any suitable replacements. I'm not rolling in money, but I have a 401(k) and other odds and ends.
I don't have any relatives who have done anything to deserve the money.
Ian* can fend for himself and he never even bothers to call me.
I don't trust Rachel* to take proper care of cats as she is poor at delegating, but so distrustful that she'd rather have too many animals than to trust another rescue with a few of them. And since I am on a campaign to remove every cat from my current home, it makes no sense to leave it to her except on an extremely short-term basis.
Add in the fact that I don't trust nonprofits, and I am genuinely stuck for a beneficiary.
* See The Usual Suspects.

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