as Cronauer would say, a hot and shitty month

I apologize for the lack of updates, but I don't like posting if all news is depressing. But here goes anyway.
I said goodbye to Toby yesterday as his FIP had progressed to where the supportive therapy didn't make any difference. He had lost half his body weight and would only drink water, and was wobbly. The only thing left to do was to watch him starve and this didn't seem fair.
My clearing out the house and my mother's belongings has slowed to a crawl. I am always getting roped into weekend cat-related stuff that I would rather skip. So I spent a couple of hours yesterday composing a letter to Rachel, the other cat group board directors, and the current volunteers who have responsible roles. It was a simple "I need out, and we need a plan to make it happen".
Not all of this is others' faults. I foolish accepted two feral cats from a rural shelter so they wouldn't be euthanized, and one promptly became very ill with something called calici as the rural shelter had zero budget. Not even for vaccines. So every night I give this poor half-grown tabby sub-cutaneous fluids, syringe feed him, and do other things that piss him off. I have seen no improvement in five days but he's not dead so I shall persevere.
The light at the end of the tunnel is the sale of my mother's house. I finally drowned Medicaid with enough paperwork to convince them to remove their lien on the property and the buyer is still in place. So I am hoping that this will be settled - and I'll receive some cash - by the end of the month. This will help me kick things into higher gear.

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