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Now it's really time to speed up my departure

A few days ago, a notice appeared in our break room. It stated that when the current supply of Keurig coffee cups (aka K-cups) ran out, the management would no longer supply them. 

I told this to Ian earlier today and he laughed. "They might have well just put a sign up that says FUCK YOU", he said. He was right.

The company's financial backing is provided by a private equity fund called Lone Star Funds, so this sort of insulting economizing is par for the course. Equity firms have this mantra: Squeeze all the money you can out of your assets, because even one smallish recession might put it out of business.

I should be closing the sale of my mother's house later this month, so that will be a relief, albeit a sad one.

Although the kitten tsunami is frustrating myattempts to rehome my remaining foster animals, Rachel has said that she would live in Ian's house, cats and all, if I departed north for another job. Considering the gig economy, my age and what I do for a living, I'm leaning more toward taking long-term contracts initially.

Keeping busy also helps me cope with a new and painful loss. Toby the cat was recently diagnosed with feline infectious peritonitis, which only gives him a few more weeks to live. His original symptom was renal failure but it cost me over $2,000 for the kindly vet to reach an eventual diagnosis. (I should point out that the vet's rates are quite reasonable compared to others.) 

Toby won't eat properly - he will only lick the gravy off of his favorite canned foods - but still is quite keen on Temptations treats. All I can do is provide the occasional sub-cutaneous fluid drip and a lot of brushing, which he especially likes. 

* See The Usual Suspects.

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