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Anyone who reads this blog may have already come to the conclusion that I dwell on the past way too much. I've begun to feel that way in real life, so I'm spending more waking time doing things that will expedite my leaving Texas.

This did not stop me from having a dream about Cincinnati* last night. I was riding a motorcycle with others when I somehow happened upon Cincinnati and a couple of others (perhaps his fraternal twin brother) playing hockey. Although the situation is initially the same as it is in real life, we keep trying to look at one other without the other noticing. This eventually fails and we begin to talk.

Eventually we end up at my old house, except it doesn't look like my old house. This one is as old or older than my 1925 bungalow, but it's two stories high and resembles an expensive library. Sort of like this photo.

I tell him that I had really hoped to keep the house so we could have eventually made it our home, and he looks at me as if all of his feelings for me had returned, and he understood why I had appeared distant for so long.

The dream did take an odd digression. We go to a house that belongs to my friend Elizabeth*, and I show him a secret entrance that I had recently discovered. Neither Elizabeth or anyone else in her family had ever found it. I also show him her impressive collection of antiques.

But back to 2019. I have finally begun to take decluttering seriously. Let's just say I'm glad I have a truck.

* See The Usual Suspects.


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