
Pain and death and writer's block

No, it's not as bad as it sounds. I recently began taking shaolin kungfu classes, and yesterday was brutal compared to the previous class. My triceps and thigh muscles are really unhappy, to the point to where just walking up stairs is pretty ouchy.

Also I rediscovered one of my favorite books, Chronicle of a Death Foretold. So I sat around the house and re-read it instead of doing stuff I should have been doing.

Last but not least, I'm not sure where to take Twilight Express...any suggestions?


Twilight Express, Chap. 15: Post-confession

This chapter last revised December 14, 2006.

The harvest moon had risen when Shinichi awoke. It was around 2:00 a.m. and the temperature in the bedroom had returned to normal. He pulled a blanket over both of them.

Leaning on one elbow, he looked down at his lover and wondered how the reality could be so much better than his month of fantasies. He brushed the hair from the side of her face. Even though she had been asleep for over two hours, her pale skin was still pink from earlier in the evening.

“I’ll always protect you,” he whispered.

As she lay with one arm outstretched, he noticed a bluish oval mark on her wrist. He put on his glasses and turned on the bedside light for a closer look, realizing that the mark was actually a bruise. He carefully lifted her arm, only to find more, smaller bruises.

The arm’s owner awoke. “What’s wrong? I didn’t wake you, did I?”

He shook his head and kissed the marks his fingers had left on her wrist. She inspected it, realized what he had found. “I wonder when those happened,” she said, with no anger in her voice.

“I … I think I know,” Shinichi said. “I’m so sorry.”

She looked at him. “I think I know too.” She closed her eyes and stretched like a sleepy cat before rolling over to face him. “I didn’t feel a thing - at least not anything like you hurting me. Quite the opposite, you may have noticed.”

Before they had returned home from the park, he had planned to make love to her in a way that would prove the depth of his feelings, without concern for his own pleasure. He imagined caressing the tender nape of her neck, massaging her bare shoulders before exploring her with his fingers and tongue.

Eventually he realized that Melina had reacted to his confession at the park in several ways. One result was an increased emotional bravery. Although still presenting her sex to him in a submissive fashion, she was no longer too intimidated to look him in the eye or voice her emotions. It was if she had lost any residual fear of intimacy.

Eventually she ended up under Shinichi, her arms above her as she held onto the headboard to steady herself. Her auburn hair had spread itself in waves across the white linen sheets as he drove himself into her. She had looked up at him, whispered that she would always be his, nobody else’s. His reaction had been to reach for her wrists, holding her down while he forcefully sealed the bargain, his eyes burning into her own.


Earlier in the afternoon, they had stayed at the park for another half-hour, kissing madly like teenagers when they had the park to themselves and talking about their discovery of each other when not alone. Although he was elated that he was not alone in love, Shinichi eventually felt compelled to ask how her interest in him had evolved.

“At first I liked your hands, then your eyes,” she began. “After that, it took me a while to get used to the idea that you could actually be a boyfriend candidate.”

She explained that ever since her arrival in Japan, she had been so busy and stressed that romance had never entered her mind. Plus, she believed that that office affairs were equivalent to career suicide.

But her explanation still wasn’t enough. He had always wondered what had tipped the situation in his favor. Why had she eventually trusted him enough to accept his invitation to his home?

She was silent for a few seconds.

“It was after we’d played cards for a while,” she said. “It was kind of a test, and you passed.”

“How did I pass if I didn’t win?”

She explained that she felt that a person’s true character surfaced during competition. It didn’t really matter what type of game they played; his reactions to winning or losing would have been equally indicative of his inner self if they were playing golf or Monopoly.

“If you had lost your temper because you were losing at cards, I would have stayed on the train,” she admitted. “The way I see it, anyone who gets angry over a meaningless game is not going to cope well when a real problem shows up. And they always do, sooner or later.”

He thought about her hypothesis. She had a point.

“It’s just as well I didn’t catch you cheating, my love,” he said.

She looked up, wary; he kissed her to show he was kidding.

“Listen, my firefly. By the time we were playing cards, I would have let you take all my money, even if I’d known you were cheating. And I would have thanked you for spending the time with me.”

She blushed pink, trying to hide her face between her hands. It was the first time he’d seen her blush; something he looked forward to causing again, although he expected it would be a challenge.

They stopped at the nearby sushi bar for an early dinner, both knowing that dinner would most probably be forgotten once they returned to the house. They said little as they ate, trying not to look publicly love-struck. Shinichi found himself feeding Melina when nobody was looking. Simply watching her open her mouth to take the sushi from his fingers was, in itself, an erotic sight.

Once back at the house, Melina had gone to hang up her new clothes before joining Shinichi in the kitchen for tea. They had stood in the kitchen for several minutes, talking about future weekends together, before Melina realized that neither of them had turned on the burner.

Tea was never served.

When they had first returned to the house, Shinichi had hurriedly turned the central heat up above the normal setting so Melina wouldn’t be cold. Not realizing that he had set the thermostat well into the 80s, the bedroom had quickly turned into a near-tropical environment. But neither cared; instead, it intensified their desire as if they were in a private jungle.

Melina found herself mapping the outlines of his heavily muscled worker’s physique, committing them to memory. The sweat brought the symmetry of his tanned shoulders and chest into glazed relief as she rode him slowly and deliberately, their fingers interlaced as he guided her.

A damp sheen had appeared on her own body, her hair in wet strands on her forehead. Shinichi could faintly smell her wetness as it gradually spread to her inner thighs.

He lifted her off his drenched cock and turned her on her back. He leaned over, licked a single drop of sweat off each nipple before slowly running his mouth down the length of her belly. She felt his mustache brush against her clit as he tasted her gently at first, then deeply, luxuriating in her clean salty taste.

He spread her thighs wide, carefully slid his tongue just inside her for a few seconds. He felt her fingers lightly touching his hair as he slowly traced upwards, savoring her wetness, and found the tiny, delicate mound waiting.


Next chapter and some red hair trivia

I'm 90% done with the next chapter of Twilight Express, so look for it later today or tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's some red hair trivia. I've always enjoyed having red hair. Well, it's a very dark red, what Clairol would call Dark Auburn or Mahogany (a friend of mine dyes her hair an identical color). But whatever.

I did a snoop through Wikipedia and found this, so being lazy I copied and pasted it here.

Myths and stories related to red hair

* The Biblical mark of Cain is thought by some to have been red hair. Esau's entire body is supposed to have been covered with red hair. Also Judas Iscariot is sometimes supposed to have been redheaded. King David is also known for having red hair.

* Early artistic representations of Mary Magdalene usually depict her as having long flowing red hair, although a description of her hair color was never mentioned in the Bible, and it is possible the color is an effect caused by pigment degradation in the ancient paint. This myth is used as a plot device in the book and movie The Da Vinci Code.

* Ancient Egyptians associated both red-haired humans and red-colored animals with the god Set, considering them to be favored by the powerful and temperamental deity. Several pharaohs associated with Set are described as being redheaded.

* In The Illuminatus! Trilogy, green-eyed redheads are said to be the favorite cohorts of Devil. (Uh oh ... I have green eyes)

* In both the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Greek king Menelaus is repeatedly described as having red hair.

* Ancient Roman descriptions of the Picts describe almost all of them as being redheaded.

* The famous Viking explorer, Erik the Red, was known for his red hair.

* The Sherlock Holmes story "The Red-Headed League" (1891) was a favourite of its author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and included a sub-plot revolving around a pseudo-society restricted to redheads.

* The 1840 comic play Der Talisman by Johann Nestroy is about prejudice against redheads.

* According to English legend, King Arthur had long red hair. Many Arthurian myths end with the promise of his return in Britain's hour of need. Important British figures like Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Winston Churchill, both redheads, are said to be the fulfillment of this legend.

* Jonathan Swift satirizes redhead stereotypes in part four of Gulliver's Travels, A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms, when he writes that: "It is observed that the red-haired of both sexes are more libidinous and mischievous than the rest, whom yet they much exceed in strength and activity." Swift goes on to write that: "...neither was the hair of this brute [a Yahoo] of a red color (which might have been some excuse for an appetite a little irregular) but black as a sloe..."

* The Girl With Red Hair. Hannie Schaft: Jannetje Johanna (Jo) Schaft (16 September 1920 – 17 April 1945), was a Dutch communist resistance fighter during World War II. Her nickname was "The girl with the red hair" (in Dutch Het meisje met het rode haar, also the title of a film about her). Her secret name in the resistance movement was Hannie.


Shinichi Chiba on IFC this weekend

Ladies and gentlemen, program your Tivos ... or just stay up late like I always do on Friday evenings.

The Independent Film Channel (IFC) is showing the second film of the Yakuza Papers series, Deadly Fight in Hiroshima, Friday night at around 11:00 pm or midnight, depending on what time zone you're in. The film is re-run early Saturday morning.

Rumour has it that Sonny Chiba's performance is one of the best of his career. The brilliant Bunta Sagawara is back from the first film, Battles Without Honour and Humanity. And thankfully these films are subtitled instead of dubbed.

More here at the IFC Web site.


Twilight Express, Chap. 14: Friday Afternoon

New readers may want to click on the archive links to read previous chapters, or use the Search This Blog function at the top of the page to locate Chapters 1-13.

As Friday morning's showers cleared, Shinichi sat in his cluttered little office and realized he was getting nowhere on the new proposal. During the weeks after he first saw and lost Melina at the drinks party, his concentration had suffered as he fantasized about their reunion. Now that he had found his hotaru, his concentration hadn't improved - it had become even worse. All he wanted was to be with her.

He abruptly gave up on the proposal and found Melina sitting on the leather sofa, still in her robe, painting her toenails cherry-blossom pink. "Would you like me to do your toes when I'm done?" she offered. "Would you like a spanking?" he countered. She kept him at bay with a wet nail polish brush.

Eventually they decided to go for a drive for what Melina described as "wherever the day takes us". She asked him if she could stop by the rail station and see if she could rebook her ticket to Sapporo before next Monday, something Shinichi was already dreading.

Shopping was also on their list. Shinichi had noticed that almost all of Melina's outfits were too big for her, and was hoping she would allow him to buy her some new clothes. He was already daydreaming of sitting in a boutique, watching her model one outfit after another for him.

She had explained to him that her initial nervousness, especially during the first few weeks in Tokyo, had tied her stomach in knots and she had lost quite a bit of weight.

"I would think that being homesick would have made things even worse," Shinichi said.

He was surprised when she shook her head. "No, I wasn't really that homesick. I miss my friends at the Boston office, sure, but we're always emailing or on IM." She went on to confess that she had told her girlfriends about meeting him, and now they were the talk of the Boston office.

Shinichi wondered why Melina said nothing about her parents. Certainly she missed them just a little, otherwise she would not have been carrying their photo in her overnight bag.

They set out in Shinichi's black Lincoln after lunch. Since the weather was still too damp for sightseeing, they headed for a local shopping precinct. Being a weekday, the area was quiet and the sales staff bored - in short, it was an ideal time for shopping.

They eventually found a women's boutique with a selection of Italian designers. Shinichi was a bit surprised when Melina asked the sales staff to help her pick out a few things, admitting that she wasn't very good at it. What he'd seen of her wardrobe seemed to suit her, but perhaps someone else had helped her choose.

Together with several items chosen by Shinichi, she disappeared into the dressing room. After almost two hours of modeling outfits for him, Melina chose a brown tweed Plaza Sempione skirt suit, a cream colored silk blouse, a pair of snug black jeans, and a Marni dress with short sleeves and a retro-style portrait neckline. Shinichi had picked out the Marni dress and she had fallen in love with it before trying it on.

As she carefully laid the clothes in the back seat of the Lincoln, Melina asked if they could make the train station their next stop. Shinichi hesitated. Not only did he want to offer to drive her to Sapporo, he was convinced that it was time to talk about their relationship, no matter how much he feared the possibility that she might not share his feelings.

"Could we stop and have some coffee before the train station?" he asked, remembering her addiction to coffee.

After half an hour of searching for a coffee shop, they finally settled for take-out lattes. Shinichi took the Lincoln up a winding road to a small park overlooking the ocean, a place he often visited on his own. Although it was sunny, the sea wind made Melina shiver as they sat on a small bench. Shinichi found a raincoat in the trunk of the car for her.

Although he had rehearsed his words several times, Shinichi realized that he did not know where to begin. Finally he began slowly and formally in English, thanking her again for accepting his offer to visit him. But it was all coming out wrong; Melina was beginning to look a little frightened.

He stopped, took her hand between both of his own.

"Melina, I have to tell you something. I'm falling in love with you."

Her reaction was the only one he had not considered. She began to cry.

Not knowing what else to do, he held her close. She hid her face against his shirt front, embarrassed but unable to stop crying. She kept trying to speak, only to manage a word or two before tears overtook her again.

Shinichi rocked her gently, trying to console her. He tried not to draw any conclusions from her reaction, but feared she was weeping because she could not return his feelings.

Finally, she managed to calm down. She searched her handbag for tissues, but Shinichi quickly handed her a clean handkerchief from the raincoat's pocket. After attempting to remove her ruined makeup with limited success, Melina tried to dry his shirt with the now-soggy handkerchief. The result was that his shirt was not only wet, it was smeared with black streaks.

She stared down at her hands. "I'm sorry I've gone and upset you. It's not what it looks like."

He assured her that he wasn't upset, although his heart was beating like a bird's.

"When you brought me here, I thought you were going to tell me that you'd enjoyed my visit and would call me after I got settled in Sapporo. You know, the usual things men say when the affair's over. So I was bracing myself to hear that. And when you said what you said, I just ..." She paused for a second. "I just fell apart."

Shinichi saw that she was finished crying.

"I don't know why I thought you were going to dump me. I think it's because you looked so serious when you suggested we drive up here. The look on your face made me think you were going to give me some bad news."

Shinichi shook his head, tried to smile but failed. He waited for her to continue, knowing her next few words could either crush or elate him.

Finally she looked up at him, her nose pink, her lashes wet and matted.

"Shinichi, this crybaby's falling in love with you, too."