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melina has left the building

My day at work was interesting, as it was rather short. In short, I was fired.

The reason given was "staff cutbacks", which is absolute nonsense since I'm the only writer in the department. So I can only guess that another, cheaper writer will be brought in. Or those poor semi-literates who work for T.D.* will have to pick up the slack.

So now I am at home in a cleaning frenzy. Not sure how I feel about all this, really. I'm angry because I was lied to, but not surprised. I mean hell, what are they going to say? Certainly not the truth. But I was so burned out, too.

But I'll miss my friends at work. And I already pity those who will have to work with other writers. I am not a genius, but I knew my stuff. At least I can take the dwarf twins off this blog's Key to Characters.

(Just got a phone call from my therapist - I called to cancel our next appointment as my insurance dies as of June 18, so she's kindly offered to see me later today.)

Reader Comments (4)

Sorry to hear about your misfortune.

My ex-wife is a writer. A client she's had for years hire a new PR VP who took my ex off an assignment because the VP said she could hire a lot of writers for about 1/3 of what my ex charges. One of those writers sent out a press release with the phrase "hussle and bussle" in it. It would appear the writer in question wasn't using MS Word, as the spell check would have caught it.

June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaurice

Hussle and bussle? Okay ...

Thanks for your condolences -- the truth of the matter is that, during the course of the day, I felt an increasing sense of relief that I wasn't at that effing job any more. I liked my colleagues but was totally burned out to the point where almost every new job made me cringe.

June 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelina

Best wishes from this side of the pond. It's a credit to you that you managed to stick it out for so long. Hope that everything works out - look after yourself.

June 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

Thanks for your concern. Fear not, my headhunter is already on it, and both my freelance sources are preparing some new projects for me.

June 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMelina

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