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fresh air

After I got home yesterday, I found myself feeling increasingly and vastly relieved about my job loss. Sure, I was still irritated by the severance, and may contest it. But as the day progressed, I felt better and better. And quite a few friends called to check on me. The support was appreciated.

I called my therapist to cancel my appointment for later this month, but I ended up seeing her late in the afternoon as she was concerned about me (and was about to go on vacation). In theory, therapists shouldn't worry about their patients, but in practice a lot of them do. My therapist even admits to "concern". But after about 20 minutes she relaxed, and we ended up making a shopping list of stuff I could do to keep from spazzing before I find another job.

The list was the usual mix of job-hunting exercises, but with some enjoyable stuff tossed in. I behaved and listed my usual: shaolin, bird-watching, motorcycles.

I was sorely tempted to add "Find hotel with large bathtub, add one rather magnificent and intense OOD*, fill tub with very warm water and stir." But I decided to keep that to myself.

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