Evil incarnate at the Whole Foods

Even though I live much closer to the Lakewood Whole Foods, I visited the new mega-Whole Foods across from Northpark last night. I have been trying without success to find a particular brand of mustard called Honeycup, as for reasons uknown, the local grocery stores have stopped carrying it. Perhaps it's because it's Canadian mustard and the store managers are all hockey fans who hate the Canucks.
After wandering around the new store for a few minutes, not seeing anything tempting, I made the mistake of going to the deli section. This place is straight out of hell - they have a dessert bar with THREE kinds of bread pudding.
After a few minutes of staring, I finally snagged some of the bread pudding with chocolate chips and slivered almonds. Then I topped off my caloric Armageddon with some creme anglaise.
After I got home, I ended up skipping dinner and going straight for dessert. I sincerely hope this isn't the beginning of some sugar- and carbohydrate-riddled addiction.

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