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Another reason to stick to Internet shopping

Although I'm not like my friends who won't go to the 7-11 without a full head of makeup, I always make sure I'm wearing a shirt and shoes. But it appears that our Anglo comrades on the other side of the swamp have decided to go the casual route. (Tesco is a large UK supermarket chain.)

Tesco ban on shoppers in pyjamas

Notice at the Tesco store in St Mellons, Cardiff

A Tesco store has asked customers not to shop in their pyjamas or barefoot.

Notices have been put up in the chain's supermarket in St Mellons in Cardiff saying: "Footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted."

A spokesman said Tesco did not have a strict dress code but it does not want people shopping in their nightwear in case it offends other customers.

He said he was not aware of any other Tesco stores having to put up similar signs.

The signs are placed at the entrance to the store, on the city's outskirts.

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