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bonus $, bonus chocolate

Even though my calendar says I should be in the throes of PMS, I"m still, for the most part, cheerful. Even to the point where Jena at work noticed.

I confess my mood had some help just before lunchtime, when PD* came through the department and whispered to everyone that they should take a look at their upcoming paychecks. The previous week, we'd all been told that our parent company was giving us a bonus. But since no monetary figures were quoted, we generally assumed it wouldn't be very much. So I was pleasantly surprised when I logged into the Getalife intranet and saw that I was getting a $4K bonus.

Even after taxes, it was over $3k. More than enough to sort out the brickwork on the west side of Chez Melina - something I have to do to make my insurance company happy. This meant I'd have more of my tax refund available for sorting out my mother's medical bills (she hides them, but her crafty daughter knows where). So next time I visit her, all I have to do is wait for her to take her afternoon nap and then begin snooping.

My bonuses didn't end there. About 6:30pm, I was still at work and decided to indulge in a chocolate bar, and my 85 cents got me not one, but two Hershey's with almonds. I suppose I should go buy a lottery ticket now.

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