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Twilight Express, Chapter 19: North of Niigata

They held each other for several minutes, saying nothing. Shinichi felt weak with disbelief, then relief. He thought he could feel Melina's body trembling before he realized that he was the one with the shakes. Eventually he realized that she had spent the night outdoors; her clothes held traces of earth and leaves.

“I want to try to explain,” she finally said.

“It can wait.” He didn’t want to release her, fearing she might disappear.

“Please. I feel so awful.”

He looked down, realized her face was wet.

"Okay, then."

After the near-collision with the truck, the pain of losing her parents combined with unresolved grief and guilt took over. She had gradually become overcome with fears about the relationship, about her own worth. Convinced that Shinichi was better off without her, she packed her things and boarded the train to Sapporo. But she ended up spending the night in a dingy hotel north of Niigata instead.

“I was sitting there looking out the train window, and it just hit me. I couldn’t make a clean getaway that day or any other day. I already loved you.”

She’d boarded the southbound train yesterday afternoon, arriving at the house late last night - probably during his conversation with Cathie. But she couldn’t bring herself to enter or even knock, as she was ashamed of her cowardice and hated herself for running away. She was so sorry she’d hurt him.

He held her closer. “You thought you were doing the right thing. Just please, please, come talk to me the next time you’re … feeling unsure of anything.” The pain of the last day and a half was floating away from him, dissolving into the blue sky.

"Let's go home." He took her hand and led her down the trail.

After a few minutes, she detoured into the woods and found her overnight bag hidden underneath some low-growing shrubs. He realized that she had spent the night there.

As he took her bag, Melina asked him to stop. She took some vines from a tree and wound them clumsily around her wrists before holding them toward him. The vines were thin but tough, with thorns.

“Tie me, please,” she whispered.

He hesitated. “Are you sure?”

She nodded.

To find a lost treasure, especially one that had seemed to be gone forever, brings a unique sense of elation. This is how Shinichi was feeling, even though he also knew he looked as unwashed, crumpled and vulnerable as Melina. He reached for the vines, cutting them shorter with his penknife before tying them in a knot.

A bright, thin line of blood appeared on the back of her hand. He reached over and tasted it with his tongue. Now she was inside him.

After the days spent in misery, fearing he had lost her forever, he was desperate to reclaim every part of her. He dragged Melina down with him to the ground, pulling off her shoes and jeans before turning her over on her elbows and knees. She cradled her face in her forearms, her bleeding wrists in front of her. Kneeling behind her, he spread her knees wide apart. Her shirt and camisole slid down to her armpits.

With a minimum of undressing he pushed himself into her, his ache to possess her taking over. He dug his fingers into her soft skin as he watched his angry cock sliding into her. He could hear her crying out but it was a faint sound, as if she were standing a hundred yards away.

Finally he slowed, slid his hands over her. He pulled out of her slowly; he was shiny with her wetness. He moved upward and slid against her ass in preparation to sodomize her. As he began to push into her, he felt her body stiffen. He stopped.

“Have you never …?” he whispered.

She shook her head. “But I want you to do it.”

"If you decide you don't like it, tell me to stop. And I'll go very slowly."

He slid one wet fingertip into her ass, then reached underneath and massaged her clit until he could feel her rectum beginning to relax. He continued until he sensed her orgasm beginning, then pushed his finger entirely inside her, fascinated by her grip on him as she came. She fell forward, breathing in ragged gasps.

After several minutes he gently pulled her back onto her knees. He had found a small tube of sunscreen in his trouser pocket and now he applied half of it to his finger, the other half onto the tiny flower of her bottom. He pushed his finger inside her ass, forcing the lotion in.

After covering his cock head with lotion, he entered her ass less than an inch before pulling out. He repeated the action until she felt fully relaxed, then began to push inside her further in tiny increments, watching for her reaction. If she could take his cock head comfortably, she could take all of him.

As he continued, she suddenly pushed backwards, sliding several inches of his shaft inside her ass. He could feel her sphincter tighten deliciously around him.

“I’m ready,” she whispered.

He began fucking her ass carefully, going deeper inside her with every third or fourth stroke.

Her wrists still bound, she marveled at the new experience. It was dark yet intensely, surprisingly erotic. She could feel Shinichi pulling her ass cheeks apart with his thumbs, inspecting his act of deflowerment, his cock completely inside her.

She reached toward her clit with her bound hands, her face on the soft earth. She touched his balls with her fingertips, and realized that she could stroke them easily. She heard him groan like an animal, felt his balls suddenly harden and draw upwards as he began to come.

Reader Comments (2)

Brilliant. [Sorry I haven't commented before now]. Good luck. S

January 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous


January 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJustine, aka Melina

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