Twilight Express, Chapter 18: The Hiking Trail

Worst of all was his need to convince her to return to him, although he was still unaware of her reason for leaving. It was like preparing to fight a battle without knowing what weapon the enemy carried. He spent most of the night searching the Internet for her without success. Finally he lay down on the sofa to wait for dawn; the bedroom was too lonely.
Finally the sky began to lighten. Shinichi decided to take a hike in the woods, walking faster and faster in the hopes he could tire himself out. After a few minutes he spotted what looked like a row of tiny artificial flowers on the gravel path. It was strangely familiar. He picked it up, turned it over.
It was the hair barrette Melina had been wearing during their last trip into town.
He broke into a run, telling himself that it had to be hers, couldn’t possibly belong to anyone else. After several minutes he slowed down. He stood still, breathing hard, looking and listening for her. There was nothing. Leaning against a tree, he slid to the ground slowly, defeated. Finally he drifted off to sleep.
Shinichi dreamed that he was walking through an
A small Japanese girl with dyed red hair came in, bowed politely. He paid for the body bath but decided against sex; she bathed him, covered him with lotion and slid herself against him. As she continued, she realized his body was not showing the slightest reaction to her skills. She tried different techniques; still, nothing. Finally his time was up.
He insisted he had enjoyed her service. As he turned to leave, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned. The Japanese girl had disappeared; in her place stood Melina. She looked hurt but said nothing.
Shinichi woke, still thinking of the small hand on his shoulder. After a few seconds, he realized that the hand wasn’t a dream. He opened his eyes and saw Melina leaning over him, her sorrowful face framed by her hair.

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