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A new life, sort of

While I'm aware that I haven't posted here for several months, I'm not sure why. But here I am.

This summer has been considerably better than the previous ones: not so hot, not so drownded in cats, with work picking up somewhat during June and July. I felt useful as my aunt needed me for various degrees of assistance, although I couldn't help but think that she sometimes wished I was obsessively tidy as she was/is. (For me, a big part of loneliness is feeling unnecessary.) And I've been able to do more exercise, which has become increasingly important to me as I don't want to age as badly as so many others do. I still like Orangetheory and missed it during the early lockdowns. People tell me I don't look my age, and I'm more than willing to keep myself up, as the English say.

The worst part of the summer? Isolation caused by COVID-19. I've always taken it seriously, especially because my doctor friend Elizabeth* has plenty of first-hand experience, since she's an infectious disease specialist.

I have mostly abandoned social media like Facebook - too much sponsored rubbish and ads popping up nonstop - and switched to Reddit groups and Instagram. One Reddit group, Recruitinghell, has made me realize how many workplaces continue to exchange quality for greed. I now see much more clearly how my former full-time employers never really valued my skills, and how the people who I work for now actually do.

My romantic life was mostly put on hold by COVID-19, so I have nothing scurrilous to report.

More later, and I think it'll be a bit more interesting.


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