Still jobless, beginning to fret

I will receive two more unemployment checks in April, then I'm done. Unless I can talk Texas Workforce Commission into extending them, which I seriously doubt.
My indecision may be to blame. Part of me feels cowardly because I don't simply pack up my truck and drive to Chicago, find a garage apartment, and attempt some personal networking. But I have it set up so I can access the funds required to do this in just a couple of days. I'm still clearing the junk out of this house.
I continue to enjoy my cycling at White Rock Lake and Cincinnati* continues to flirt with me, so life isn't all bad.
One of my friends, who is from India, has suggested I marry someone wealthy so I can do what I want. She's quite serious although she's as American as I am. Of course, this led me to surf some of the funnier personal ads. Most are from the London Review of Books, although they discontinued this service several years ago.
This ad especially intrigues me as the poster found her husband through it.
I smoke, I drink, I talk waaaay too much and think even more than that, I swear like a longshoreman, I’m usually covered in dog hair, I do not order salad as a full meal, I always want to Talk About It, I might be funnier than you, I want to be taken care of but hate feeling weak, I’m completely disorganized, I will keep cuddling until you pry me off you (and so will my dogs), I say “awesome” a lot, I don’t lie even if it’s easier, I tell my girlfriends everything, I expect to come, and I’ve been told repeatedly that I scare the crap out of men. If that sounds like your kind of girl, awesome.

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