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Still jobless, still not that bothered

I have a folder on my laptop where I keep all of my job applications and cover letters. I do this so I can recycle parts of cover letters - although I wonder if anyone reads them - and also as proof that I am job-hunting. The folks at Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) encourage job-seekers to keep track of all job applications so we can prove we're not sitting at home watching daytime television while claiming benefit payments.

While I've applied for lots of jobs in Illinois and Ohio - mostly Chicago and Columbus, although there have been a few appealing jobs in Cincinnati - I have only had a couple of online interviews. I eventually decided to look locally since the unemployment payments won't last much longer, and am shortlisted for a copywriter job at yet another mortgage lender. There should be a third interview next week. While I can't get too excited about it (the pay they've mentioned is awful), I'm hoping it will make me more attractive to other potential employers. 

Ian* has been in a much more attentive mood since he left LaGuardia for Buffalo's airport. I am tentatively planning to visit him later this month for a few days, as he's been asking me to do so since January.

Sometime I worry about this, as he seems keen to renew a physical relationship and I don't see this happening. It's been too long since we've seen each other, and the last time we were together he had no real interest in sex. I'm well-aware that he was overworked and miserable during his time at LaGuardia, but he still chose not to see me for a couple of years. And I am still hopeful about Cincinnati*, although part of me is thinking that he may prefer fantasy to reality. 

If no job eventuates this month, I am going to spend a week or two in Columbus, Ohio or Chicago. I stink at networking so I better figure something out before I depart, but sitting here isn't getting me another job, and I'm just about ready to go back to work.

* See The Usual Suspects.


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