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lights, camera, interview

Even though I am not being drowned with job offers, I just had a video interview with a place I really liked. The agency is near Chicago and only handles business-to-business marketing clients. 

Preliminary interviews aren't done over the phone any more, as we've moved up to video. Although I worried about how I would look, I preferred it to the one-dimensional phone chat. 

I think it went fairly well. I read big chunks of the company's blog, checked out their work, and wrote myself a list of reasons why I wanted the job. And I confess I checked out my interviewer's social media and saw that she was big into animal rescue, so I made sure to mention my rescue volunteerism that at the end of the interview. She admitted she could talk rescue all day. 

The one thing I'm fretting about is the online test I had to take beforehand. There were two, actually: one was sort of like an IQ test, and the other was more of a personality test. I hate these but I still took them. I hope I don't score as a sociopath. 

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