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was it something I tested?

I received the usual polite "no thank you" a couple of days after last week's interview. While I never thought it was a done deal, I couldn't help but wonder why. The pre-interview tests I took are especially worrying as I have no idea how I scored, and I don't think personality tests guarantee better hires. For example, one company decided to give their top brass the same personality tests as they gave interviewees, and the results suggested that about two thirds of their senior executives weren't suited for their jobs.

But then I had another look at the agency's client list, and Wonderlic was a client. Ack.

I have thought about asking for my Wonderlic/Wonscore results but I'm betting the rent they won't hand them over.

On the other hand, I finally wound up my romance scammer fun yesterday. I led him on a merry chase which include a confession of certain faux medical problems. I told him I suffered from explosive diarrhea and he was no less ardent. Even after he was kicked off Facebook he persisted, so after I told him I was about to send him my contact details, I instead let him have it.

The real kicker? He still insisted he was the American colonel whose photos he'd stolen, although he kept saying he was a general, not a colonel. 

Here's his reply, copied and pasted.

"thank you so much for calling me a scammer..you can you call someone such name you are not God and one thing you don`t know is that one day you will live this earth with nothing and go back to where you belong because nobody will leave on this earth forever..thank you so much and God bless you"

I decided to send him a link to an article about the person whose photos he'd stolen - seems a lot of scammers have "recycled" retired Tristan Siegel's photo. But even this didn't faze him. His reply:

"how do you exact someone like me to be a scammer"

Although I didn't answer this one, he waited about 20 minutes before sending this last missive.

"only God knows that am not what you think"

So is he saying that God is okay with bad scammers? 


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