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musical houses grinds to a halt

Due to certain houses still not yet being ready for occupancy, E.H.* is still here at Chez Melina. It's not all bad - he's done a lot of yard work and helps keep the place tidy. But I really thought I'd gotten to the point where I didn't have to share this money pit with anyone any more.

I suppose it's indicative of my own inflexibility in the domestic arena. But I get really annoyed to come home after shaolin class, only to find that someone else drank all my juice. And E.H. keeps buying food that he knows I like but shouldn't eat, so now I spend too much time on the scales, making sure I'm not regaining on the weight that was so difficult to lose. I'm not obsessed with being a stick insect; it's just that less weight equals more kung fu agility.

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