How to do a Reginald Perrin in the electronic age

When I lived overseas, one of my favorite shows was The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin. The title character, played brilliantly by Leonard Rossiter, decides that he doesn't want to spend his life commuting to his middle-management job at Sunshine Desserts. So one afternoon, he disappears.
It was so easy for Reggie Perrin - he just dumped his clothes on the beach and swam away. But this was back in the good old 1970s. Try disappearing in today's technical age.
I recently picked up the books that were the inspiration for the television series at Half Price Books. While reading them I began to wonder if it were still possible to really disappear. Forever, not like those half-wits who show up on America's Most Wanted.
Reader Comments (1)
I just read that Olivia Newton John's former boyfriend got so tired of people looking for him that he came forward to say he was alive and for people to give up trying to find him.
It would seem he disappeared on purpose.