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weekend immaturity plans

Although I suspect it makes me appear a bit more eccentric than I really am, I prefer to go to live music events alone. The reasons for this are pretty simple:

  1. You can't carry on a conversation when a band is playing.
  2. I don't know anyone who will want to attend with me, anyway.
  3. You generally get a better seat if you're just buying one ticket.

I suppose this is as a good a time as any to admit that I have seen Prince in concert no less than four times, including paying over $200 for a ticket when he played in Sydney. And my attendance at no fewer than three Who concerts during my teenage years certainly damaged my hearing - especially the time I snagged a 4th-row seat. This is back when bands brought their own speaker towers.

This Saturday I plan to hit The Boiler Room, as the Electric Six are playing.  When they crank up I Wanna Take You To a Gay Bar, I plan to dive head-first into the mosh pit.

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