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My enjoyable week off came to a grinding halt early this morning. A storm brought down two trees in my back yard, and they both fell on the main power line to my house. Not only did they take out the power line, they literally yanked the breaker box and meter off the back off the aging Chez Melina. Now they're lying in about four inches of water, along with dozens of happy croaking toads who must have gotten the equivalent of a snow day off their respective jobs.

I'm not the only sufferer; at the moment, about 200K are without power in North Texas.

At least I was able to sneak down to the local Starbucks and avail myself of their free wifi service, but this makes a big-ass dent in my plans for today and tomorrow. I was even going to meet up with DD to exchange invoices, copy, and other stuff, but I had to cancel as I can't print my invoices. There are so many trees and power lines down that I may not have power back on until tomorrow or the weekend. It's hard to clean a house you can't see that well.

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