the week that was odd

After receiving yet another negative performance review via email from the Poison Dwarf earlier this month, I finally decided I should handle the matter as directed by the HR folks. Which is to go talk to the HR folks. I figured that it was a good CYA move if nothing else.
I took the scathing review with me, after carefully pasting it into another Word document and adding my comments where needed. PD had actually told some outright whoppers in this review - and they were easily disproved. So, after waiting some months, I had a fair amount of ammunition. Plus, I took every previous annual performance review with me, all with high marks.
I spent about an hour with the HR guy, who took a lot of notes and not much else. My main concern is that he wouldn't have any idea it actually took a writer to write anything, but after I presented a few recent jobs (press releases, brochures, etc) he seemed quite impressed.
Of course, I did the politically correct thing - insisted I did not want PD's head on a stake, and declared that I simply did not understand why she was treating me in such a manner. I felt a bit nauseous, but I need this job.
On the more romantic side of things, I admit I finally broke down and e-mailed the Triumph owner I met over the weekend. He sent quite a lengthy mail back. My heart leaped...he can actually spell. Which complicates my long-standing feelings for OOD, which still have not dissipated. He is now suggesting lunch, but not until later in the month. Will he or won't he? Should I dust off my Lise Charmel lingerie, or take a vow of celibacy? I feel confused, so I'm going to bed.

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