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sense and sensuality

Almost two years ago, I posted several personal ads on the Internet. They all mentioned that I hoped to find a relationship that provided passion and adventure - a relationship that might last a week, a year or a decade.

I realized earlier today that I'm still looking for these. It's not that I have never found them, DD* provided them very well for almost a year. I simply need a new provider of the passion and adventure, but this time I want to find him in person, by chance or coincidence. Not by surfing, as even though I've been lucky before, I don't want to turn into a total cyber-hermit who can't carry on a face to face conversation.

Sometimes I really do believe that a higher power puts a spin on coincidence. Call it synchronicity, a wink from God. Perhaps it replaces my total refusal to believe in luck.

* Dismissed Date. See Key to Characters at right.

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