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The story's finished so the blog is changing

When I first began writing Twilight Express, it was my second blog. I was maintaining another which had evolved from an initial search for a missing ex-boyfriend to a more general type of blogging.

Nowadays, I'm not really searching for the ex any more, although I still wonder about the mysterious last letter I got from him (I confess to a some slight OCD tendencies, but they're actually an advantage if you're a proofreader). So I thought what the hell, consolidate into one blog.

So ... any visitors here will have their choice of reading parts of, or the entire Twilight Express, or reading about goings-on with me: a writer, counselor/idealist, lover of convertibles, cats and Japanese cinema. I'm sure everyone has guessed I work as a writer, but I'm not totally boring.

I also am a keen student of Shaolin Kung Fu: a white belt with all of 10 hours' classes so far, so I still look like a retard during about half the class. But my stances are coming along.

My other interests are in my profile.

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