Ian* called me this afternoon while I was waiting for my car (I'd taken it in for repairs). It eventually turned into a rather strange conversation.
Since his wife began to suspect him of considering adultery, he's been kept on an extremely tight leash. So I don't see him much any more. Nor do I quiz him about his home life since technically it's none of my business, although I never mind discussing it with him when he wants to talk about it.
But this afternoon he handed me a truly odd surprise: his wife's latest was to insist he see a therapist, and that's where he was headed. Does she really think psychotherapy will cure him of - well - wanting what we want? She might as well start spiking his orange juice with Thorazine.
I almost asked him why he was putting up with it, but then I decided not to. There wasn't a good answer in store. Whatever he said, I would feel sorry for him. All he's trying to do is to get his daughter through college. And I didn't want him to think I would ever start tossing my own ultimatums around, as I have no interest in controlling anyone.
So all I said is that if he wanted to talk about the therapy, or anything else that was on his mind, he could still call me. He seemed grateful for this, and insisted he was going to the therapist just a couple of times.
What made me want to bite off my tongue is that I described myself as not having much to offer a relationship, and that's why I was okay with his marital status. It sounded like I was running myself down when I wasn't. Let's put it this way: how many men tell their departing ex-wives that "during the 12 years we were together, you never once nagged me"?
But what I was really thinking is that I would probably turn the most smitten man into a terrified wreck the first time he saw me on the Suzuki at 3:00am, going up I-75** at 90 mph. (I recently discovered that 3:00 am is the safest time I can do this. Sometimes I see more fellow motorcyclists than cars.) And I can't see myself slowing down for anyone. Not this week, anyway.
* See Key to Characters at right.
** A main north-south thoroughfare.