No more retrogrades?

My first week of unemployment has been mostly enjoyable. I feel particularly fortunate to be living rent- and mortgage-free, although Ian* is still almost impossible to reach at times, and now I have plenty of time to declutter and sell things. I can't go find new work immediately as I still have the facelift fun scheduled during the first week of October.
If truth be told, I feel as if my luck is changing, although I don't believe in luck. After a year of searching, I finally found the dress I'd searched for in vain - much cheaper than I'd seen it on eBay. I just couldn't bite at paying $300.00 for it, but then I was snooping through my favorite consignment shop two days ago and found it for $70.00. Although I rarely wear prints - if I deviate from solids, I go for tartans or a Robert Graham shirt - this was irresistible. I wonder what the colors are saying to me?
Even Pandora is in sync. Whenever I turn on my Soundtouch, it plays all the songs I like the most, including some that I haven't given the thumbs-up to. I can't help but wonder if there's meaning in the fact that it chose Etta James' classic At Last.
* See The Usual Suspects.

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