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Minimalist living

Last week I read an article about a couple who had decided to declutter their lives in a major way. The upshot of the story is that one can keep more of their money by minimizing their stuff, and also have more time for non-capitalist pursuits.

The catalyst for this had been an article that challenged readers to live with no more than 100 possessions. Thinking about the stuff currently in my house, I think my shoe collection would kill about half of the 100 item limit. So it's certainly an incentive to think about what you really want around.

I began making a list of 100 gotta haves. So far it includes:

  • An iPod
  • Kiehl's Silk Hair Groom
  • A Sonicaire toothbrush
  • My car
  • Several cats (let's say four)
  • A stereo
  • My piano
  • A Macbook Pro laptop
  • A digital camera
  • Two pair of Josef Seibel sandals
  • My music CDs (will need to consolidate)
  • Assorted slutty lingerie
  • A coffee maker
  • Central air conditioning



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