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The evil empire calls ... maybe

After I left the asylum known as Advertising Agencies about 10 years ago, I thought there was little chance I'd ever return. While no job offers lasting security, agencies offered little. And the most psychotic, abusive people were usually the same people who were running the place.

But yesterday I had a call from a headhunter, a local I'd never heard of before. And she wanted to talk to me about a job for which, at first glance, was an amazingly good fit--writing for one of the biggest banks in the nation. I wouldn't be working for the bank, but I'd be working for a local ad agency that supplied their business to business collateral.

I suppose this reflects my lack of ambition, but one of the most appealing things about the job is that it's only about four miles from my house. Too damn near Northpark, but I think I could cope.

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Reader Comments (1)

I work about two miles from where I live. A person might think I'd walk to work more (I take three mile strolls at lunch) but I have trouble getting my crap together early enough in the morning to pull it off and get to work on time.

July 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaurice

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