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the latest from the Borg

After a few weeks at the newish job (a shift from writing marketing copy to policies/procedures copy), friends have asked me what it's like. I don't have a really good answer for them; not yet, anyhow.

The job has its positives: nobody micro-manages me and I have reasonable work deadlines. But what frustrates me is that I wasn't able to just walk into the job and do it without asking questions. This may sound unreasonable, but since I returned from the golden shores of Australia, I never met a writing job I couldn't do better than my predecessors, and without major assistance from others.

I suppose it's stupid to let this bother me. I'm not the sort who dreams of a corner office, and I don't mind admitting my lack of workplace ambition. (My ambitions lie elsewhere, but that's another subject.) But I hate having to ask others if a policy change only applies to conventional loans, or to FHA and VA too - stuff like that.

And there are still too many fricking Snoopys around the office. I came in this morning to find a stuffed Snoopy on my desk. He is wearing a t-shirt that says ONE Getalife. WTF?


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