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aggravation central

Even though today's weather is idyllic, I woke in a bad mood.

  1. The cooler weather has set off my asthma, but my health insurance won't reappear until next Tuesday. I need to find an asthmatic friend with an inhaler I can borrow.
  2. I still don't know if the ad agency is going to counter-offer me a job, but the longer this drags on, the lesser the chances. At least that's my opinion.
  3. I've not worked much in the last three weeks so my bank balance will not allow me to go out and buy a pair of motorcycle boots.
  4. I have taken the house apart but can't find last year's hiking boots, which would make fine substitutes for motorcycle boots for the time being. How does one lose a pair of hiking boots? I'm not that messy.
  5. Ian is taking me to the SMU/Tulsa football game Saturday and I'm afraid I'll cough all the way through it if I don't find some albuterol.

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