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The dog food hits the fan, or no good deed goes unpunished

OK, so I was naive. But I really didn't see a problem.

Last weekend, I spent a lot of time at Ian's house, as his wife was due home Monday. In addition to the obvious, we did a few errands. One of these included shopping.

Since he was out of dog food, I offered to nip down to the grand opening of a new pet supplies store and pick some up for him. I needed to load up on cat food and store had it on sale.

Before I left, we went over the entire house like a couple of CSI operatives, making sure that we hadn't left any evidence around. But we underestimated his wife's level of dedication when it came to busting him. She went through the trash and found the pet store receipt.

Not only did it have a bunch of cat food on it, I'd charged it on my credit card, so my name was on the receipt. Ian had been paying for everything else during the last week, and most of the haul was mine anyway.

He came by my house on the way to work this morning to warn me that his wife was Googling me. He had stuck to the Deny Deny Deny story, insisting that I'd only come by to help him with his dogs (one was having cluster seizures).  This may actually work since when I'm Googled, the most prevalent hits are animal-rescue related.

This may sound really stupid, but I can't figure out what she wants. If she wants him to leave, why doesn't she say so? Part of me is tempted to call her and ask. This could stop the whole fiasco in its tracks, especially if she's already connected me to animal rescue. I can lie convincingly to strangers. I'm only a washout as a liar when approached by friends, lovers and my mother.

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