The Volunteer State expands
Monday, September 30, 2019 at 7:20PM

Last Saturday I packed up my truck, picked up an aunt, and drove to Tennessee. 

I wasn't able to bring my cat Esteban although my Tennessee Aunt had okayed this, as I didn't want to fit an aunt and a cat in the same trip, but Rachel has offered to bring him up. I think she'd enjoy a visit here anyway. 

I'm very much looking forward to checking out cycling groups and similar here. Chattanooga is a cool town, right down to its own Peet's coffee shop, which is 10 times better coffee than Starbucks. 

Early Friday morning, my Instagram pinged. Turns out it was Cincinnati* sending me a message, and since my account is now private, he had to ask me to accept the message. Of course I did. Turns out he wants to talk about recent events. 

I waited a few days before answering. While I would like this discussion as well, I think my readers will agree that it would be naive to make it easy for him. Eventually I wrote back and said that wouldn't visit him, but I would consider his visiting me here in Tennessee. 

I just sent that email a few minutes ago. Let's see what he says.

* See The Usual Suspects.

Article originally appeared on Twilight Express (
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