Wet but not particularly wild
Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 4:45PM

After a week of rain - some of it pretty heavy - I have loaded up with mosquito repellent. I'm not able to sort out the back lawn which is badly overgrown and the local mosquitoes are having a field day and they have brought in a few legions of flies as well.  

I have eight days until the facelift and am frankly a bit nervous. One only has to Google "one day after facelift" photos to be horrified (or amused). The doctor did admit that patients leave the office post-surgery looking like a Q-tip.

Ian* has taken another job and escaped the hell known as LaGuardia Airport, after being told to his face that he was "too old" to be considered for any career advancement. He will not be in NYC any more, but in Buffalo, which doesn't seem to bother him much. 

* See The Usual Suspects.


Article originally appeared on Twilight Express (http://twilightexpress.squarespace.com/).
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