gravity loses ... for a while at least
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 2:46PM

As of last Friday, I have officially booked myself a face lift. It happens the first week of October. 

Even though I've been waiting forever to proceed with this, it was still odd to go to a doctor and not have an illness to discuss. For the first minute or two it was a bit embarrassing. But I like this doctor and he admitted to having some work done himself. Besides liking his portfolio of 'before and after' jaw lifts,  I liked his honesty. Even though I keep wanting to call him Dr Robert after the Beatles song, instead of his real name which is Roberts.

He did talk me into a brow lift as well, which got me off the fence about it. It makes a bigger overall difference than I first realized, as I have had this turkey neck obsession for decades. It will be nice to put on eye shadow that others can actually see and appreciate, in addition to people not making remarks that I look tired.

I've also decided that if I'm going to improve my facial features, I should improve the rest of me as well, so I'm taking fitness more seriously. I've even dragged my scales into the kitchen so I won't overeat. 

There has been a bit of navel gazing as well. I have finally admitted to myself that the main reason I've kept the extra weight around for so long is that I'm shit-scared of Long Term Relationships.  Since I don't have to actually look for this sort of relationship to stop being scared of the possibility, my fear is illogical. I can always say no.



Article originally appeared on Twilight Express (
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