Rapping rodents
Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 12:43PM

Even though I'm not in the market for a new car, I found myself actually liking this ad for Kia's Soul.

A one-minute high-def version is posted here (the TV version is 30 seconds long).

If you look closely, they've even changed the NYC street sign to read Hamsterdam Avenue. And the 1-minute version even has a few dancing hamsterettes in pink miniskirts thrown in. One can't leave chicks out of a rap video.

Working in an ad agency again, I can't help but wonder how that creative pitch went. To put it another way, how does someone stand up in front of a room full of executives and say "we want to put hamsters in your products"?

Anyway, after they got Kia's blessing, it took a studio three months to make the computer-generated hamsters.

More here:

Framestore has spent three months creating 45 photoreal CG rodent rap stars for David & Goliath’s hilarious new Kia Soul spot, This or That.

Article originally appeared on Twilight Express (http://twilightexpress.squarespace.com/).
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