Career cringe
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 1:54PM

Since being escorted from the Snoopy Borg, I've occasionally wondered if I couldn't do something else for a living. Ideally I'd like to do two things, so I wouldn't risk another burnout situation, but I'm not sure my mortgage lender would like that.

It's not that I think I'm a bad writer, although this blog generally isn't an indicator of that talent. But sitting in front of a computer screen has lost its appeal for several reasons.

The truth of the matter is that I'd like to be a tradesperson of some sort. Carpentry particularly appeals ever since I took the antique restoration course in Australia when I was waiting for a work visa. But I don't think today's mass-produced market has a lot of potential.

The only other career move that appeals to me is a downward shift. I particularly like editing and proofreading, so I wouldn't mind doing that from now on. I even applied for a couple of editing jobs. But unless I fabricate my resume, I think I'll continue to get negative responses, such as being accused of "taking what I can get until something else comes up".

Freelancing full-time has its appeal, but I'm a dreadful networker. I'm too shy and introverted to go out and find the work. But perhaps my freelancing friends can help.

Article originally appeared on Twilight Express (
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